Main Overview Screen



The Main Overview screen will be the initial screen that is displayed when the Touchscreen is started. The Main Overview screen will display the following for each loop: type, setpoint, current value, output mode, output, the activated/deactivated inputs and outputs, any messages, the Menu button, Chart button and CO Factor button. Any activated inputs or outputs will be lit up. Note on Inputs and Outputs – The numbering on the display starts at 0 instead of 1, so input 2 shown in the figure is actually input 3, and output 4 is actually output 5. The red bar will display any messages. The output mode can be changed from auto to manual by pressing the auto/manual button to toggle between the two options.


The top of the screen displays the point value type (PVT) of %Carbon with Temperature control. In the example figure, the %Carbon column shows the calculated %Carbon of 1.8% and the setpoint of 1.00%. The Temperature column shows the measured temperature of 1502°F and the setpoint of 1531°F. The PVT can be Oxygen, Carbon, Dewpoint, or millivolts.


There are three active buttons at the bottom of the screen: Menu, Chart, and CO Factor.